Sunday, December 30, 2007

Diet Tips for skin

Everyone wants a clear and glowing complexion but the truth is that no matter how widely advertised a moisturizer or cleanser is, you can't be certain that it will solve all your skin hang-ups. In order to achieve beautiful healthy skin, you must watch what you feed your body and not what you rub on the surface. If your skin is lacking essential vitamins and moisture, you will find its appearance will suffer.
If you eat and drink healthily, you will soon begin to notice that you skin, hair and nails will appear much better. The most important thing is to keep the body thoroughly hydrated by drinking lots of water. Research has shown that the body needs around eight glasses a day to be at its optimum state. Your alcohol intake should also be reduced as it dehydrates you and can cause all sorts of damage to your body if drank in excess. If you are on a night out, then try to alternate between an alcoholic beverage and a soft drink. Not only will this help to replenish your body but you will feel so much better the morning after.
When considering your food intake, you should aim to fill you diet with lots fresh fruit and vegetables. Specialists strongly recommend that we eat five portions each day, which may sound like a tall order but it is very easy to slip one in your meal or have one as a refreshing snack. Oranges are renowned for their high vitamin C content which is a vital component for healthy skin. Just eating an orange at lunch or drinking a glass of fresh orange will provide you with most of your vitamin for the day. Instead of snacking on a greasy packet of crisps, try eating nuts and seeds as these provide you with essential fatty acids which promote skin repair.
Skin can become blemished due to a high intake of sugar and fat. As the saying goes, you are what you eat and greasy food can mean a greasy face. Everyone likes a little chocolate treat now and again but you should really dramatically reduce the amount you eat and eat it less frequently.
By eating healthily, staying clear of processed food and cleansing your skin on a daily basis, you should be well on your way to achieving healthy clear skin. Not only will you look a lot better but you will also notice that your whole body will feel a lot better too.

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