Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Dream symbolism and dream dictionary interpretation

MENU : Dream Dictionary : Articles : Dream Book : Techniques and tips------------------------------------CLOTHES : Clothes in dreams are symbolic of two things - the way we would like the world to see us(our preferred image) and our fears about how the world actually sees us. Poor clothes will obvious then link to our fears about how others see us in a bad way. But clothes also send subtle dream messages out about the signals we are sending out. Think especially about the day before and your image and how you wished to appear. Was that a theme at all. [KEY WORDS : Signals,image] KEY PHRASES(Pick a quote which captures your feelings right now. Think especially of the day before the dream) : - "I want to appear more ..."- "I have got a really bad image right now"- "sending out signals"- "He makes you believe that he can do it..."HOW TO USE THESE SYMBOLS : CLICK HERE FULL DREAM DICTIONARY : CLICK HERE SEE ALSO : Suits and designer clothes : Casual clothes : Nudity : Undressing -------------------------------------- METHODS : For a full explanation of the methods used in this dream study CLICK HERE Below you will see a series of quotes. Each quote represents the meaning of a particular dream(these are all dreams where the meaning is understood totally). For instance one dream may have meant that the dreamer was having trouble at work. In that case the quote may simply be "There is a bad atmosphere at work". Some information is included about which dream symbols were included in the dream(within the squares brackets). Often a sample dream is included which shows you how the dream interpretation was reached.

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